1. 本款产品有7档亮度调节以及7档色温调节,共有49种发光选择。使用遥控器调节。
2. 该款灯泡的最大功率为8.6W。适用电压范围:AC 100V~240V。
3. 亮度调节范围:40lm~600lm。色温调节范围:2700K~5600K。
4. 用户可使用随灯附带的遥控器,根据自己的喜好及不同的使用场合选择色温及亮度。
5. 通过本遥控器,用户还可以将自己喜欢的某种亮度和色温模式存储在一个快捷键里,下次按该快捷键,灯泡就会呈现该亮度和色温。共有6个快捷键。
6. 为了方便本款产品在卖场的推广,遥控器还有一个“自动演示”按键,在此模式下,该灯泡可以自动变化色温及亮度,达到向顾客演示的效果。
1. It has 7-step white color and 7-step brightness. That is total 49 lighting model.
2. The max power consumption is 8.6W. Voltage: AC 100V~240V.
3. The brightness range is from 40lm to 600lm, and CCT from 2700K to 5600K.
4. The user can select a favorite brightness and CCT by using an accessory remote control according to different atmosphere and situation.
5. The user can store the preferred brightness and CCT in a shortcut-key, and next time when the user presses the key, the bulb will show the brightness and CCT stored. The remote controller has 6 shortcut-keys.
6. The salesperson can use the “auto demo” key to promote the bulb in market. In this model, the bulb will run in 7-step brightness and CCT automatically.